Updated May 24, 2024

Note:  Information about the current firmware version can be found on the firmware update page.

Service Bulletins

SB 001 Audio Levels. Everyone should read this. Updated for version 1.1

SB 002 Historical information. Getting Ready for the November 9, 2011 EAN test. If you have any questions on how an EAN works, read this.

Task Sheets - Step by Step Instructions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The FAQ list has been trimmed to remove all of the issues specific to older Pre REV 95 versions of the ENDEC firmware.

1) Can't access ENDEC web server
2) Uploading firmware updates without access to the update web page
3) How do I know what version of firmware is loaded on the ENDEC
5) Can't hear audio from the streams page
7) Email doesn't seem to be working
8) FTP doesn't seem to be working
9) Email not working, email log shows FROM failed
10) Assigning a relay to "MSG" doesn't do what I expected
11) ENDEC's time isn't synced
12) Email not working, email log says "invalid address"
13) How do I specify a DNS address?
14) How much voltage/current can I switch through the relays?
15) What LED Signs work with the ENDEC?
16) Setting a static IP address doesn't appear to work
17) What network/USB printers are supported?
18) I can't get ENDECSETD to work over a serial connection
19) Does the ENDEC support the post 2007 Daylight Savings Time changes?
20) It doesn't look like the ENDEC took my settings file changes?
21) Can the ENDEC use gmail to send messages?
24) How do I send alert text to HD Radios?
25) What NTP server address should I use to sync the ENDEC's time of day to an accurate clock?
26) My ENDEC is sending a Required Weekly Test once an hour
27) What should Strict Time be set to?
29) Text-to-Speech (TTS) Pronunciation Tips

Can't access ENDEC web server

Make sure you have enabled the web server with the menu.network.web server command at the front panel or settings file.

The ENDEC requires recent browsers to provide security and other features. A discussion of browsers is in the REV 95 release notes in section 2, "Browsers".

The ENDEC also includes settings that affect web server access, including port settings, the whitelist, and user credentials. These can be reset to the defaults at the front panel under menu.network. See the REV 95 release notes.

You should also be using a firewall to control access to your ENDEC, check those settings as well if you can't access your ENDEC.

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Uploading firmware updates without access to the update web page

You can update your ENDEC if you have a USB flash drive. It can not be a "U3" type drive with security. It must be a non-encrypted flash drive.

1) download the firmware update from www.sagealertingsystems.com/support
2) rename to file to updateusb.x, and copy it to the top folder on your flash drive.
3) Shut down your ENDEC.
4) plug the flash drive into the top USB slot on the back of the ENDEC.
5) power up your ENDEC.
6) After several seconds, the ENDEC will update, you will see status messages on the ENDEC's LCD display.
7) Follow the instructions on the screen. You will eventually be asked to remove power from the ENDEC (pull the plug, don't use the power switch), then remove the flash driver, then plug in the ENDEC again.

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How do I know what version of firmware is loaded on the ENDEC?

Use the version button on the ENDEC's home page. The version information is also in the message buffer on the front panel when the ENDEC starts. Use the "MSG" soft key and scroll with the down arrow.

The exact version is on the "board rev" line, n/xx, where xx is the firmware revision number.

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Can't hear audio from the streams page

Problem: you click one of the "mon buttons" on the ENDEC's "streams" page, and you don't hear any sound. Like many streaming audio applications, the audio is not "instant on". It will take several seconds for the audio to start. The ENDEC supports several (but not all) browser and player combinations.

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Email doesn't seem to be working

You need to set the right combination of user name, password, domain, server/port, and auth type on the EMAIL tab of ENDECSETD. You may need the help of your IT staff. Tell them yes, you've turned it off and back on again. You can see the error log file from the ENDEC's email program from your browser, click the tools button on the ENDEC's home page, then click the email button. The ENDEC will try to resend a failed email every minute. You can send a test message on the tools page, click the Test Email button.

Common problems are:

You can also try using gmail as your smtp host.

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FTP doesn't seem to be working

The ENDEC can use FTP to send a file containing an individual alert log to an FTP server . You need to set the right combination of user name, password, and server on the FTP tab of ENDECSETD. You may need the help of your IT staff. Tell them yes, you've turned it off and back on again. You can see the error log file from the ENDEC's email program from your browser, click the tools button on the ENDEC's home page, then click the email button (this file is shared with email errors).

If you are using names (rather than numeric IP addresses) for the FTP server, you need to have a valid DNS server. See Specify a DNS.

The ENDEC will try to resend a failed FTP file every minute. You can resend sooner by sending another alert (if you are bench testing), or by in fact turning the ENDEC off and back on again.

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Email not working, email log shows FROM failed

This is caused by an improperly formatted "Email Domain" in the ENDECSETD Email tab. This field should contain only a domain name, for example, "sage.com". It should not contain an email address like "harold@sage.com". The Email Domain is used to make the "@domain" portion of the from address in the email sent from the ENDEC, and for the ELHO command in the SMTP protocol."

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Assigning a relay to "MSG" doesn't do what I expected

The relay doesn't exactly track the msg key. The relay comes on when a new message is added, and goes off when the msg key is pressed. If you do not clear the buffer, then the msg soft key label stays on, but the relay will be off. This is so you can clear whatever alarm you have on the relay, but still retain the message buffer. The relay will turn on again when a new message is added.

If the msg soft key is on when you enable the MSG relay from the front panel, the relay won't turn on until a new message is added.

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ENDEC's time isn't synced

We recommend that you use the Network Time Protocol to keep your ENDEC's clocked synced to the correct time. You can use any NTP time server you like, more than one is better. We supply some defaults, but you can use a local source as well, see the NTP Servers setting on the Network tab of ENDECSETD. See also this FAQ entry: What NTP server address should I use to sync the ENDEC's time of day to an accurate clock?

If you are using a valid NTP server address but your time still isn't synced, check these:

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Email not working, email log shows "invalid address"

If the email log file says "invalid address" followed by your SMTP server address, you may not have a DNS server specified, and the ENDEC can't resolve the server name.  See Specify a DNS

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How do I specify a DNS address?

If you are using names (rather than numeric IP addresses) for servers such as CAP, FTP, SMTP, NTP, etc., you need to have a valid DNS server. If you used DHCP to get an IP address for your ENDEC, your router must provide a DNS server to use. If you provided a static address for the ENDEC on the Network Tab or in the Network front panel menu, then you need to provide the DNS server(s) there as well. To do so, use the Network TAB (DNS server 1/DNS server 2) or the Network menu (DNS1/DNS2) on the front panel. If you don't know what DNS address to use, do this from a PC that is on the same network segment:
open a CMD window, type ipconfig /all. You will see one or more DNS servers.

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How much voltage/current can I switch through the relays?

The relays on the ENDEC are intended for use as "low signal relays", primarily to ground a contact on some other piece of equipment. They can also be used as a switch for a low power device. Before you hook up your throbatron-4000, however, here are the limitations:

Rated load0.50 A at 125 VAC, 1A 24 VDC
Max. operating voltage125 VAC, 60 VDC
Max. operating current1 A
Max. switching capacity62.50 VA, 30W

You can also read the full datasheet.

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What LED Signs work with the ENDEC?

The ENDEC supports the serial version of the Beta Bright from Adaptive Microsystems, now called the "BetaBrite Classic". Adaptive's info page for that sign has more information. The software protocol used by that sign *may* work with other Adaptive "alpha" signs, it is worth a try if you already have one, but we've never tested any. We have tested the BetaBrite on both the original ENDEC 1822 and the Digital ENDEC 3644. If you have tested a different sign model with the ENDEC, please email us at support@sagealertingsystems.com and let us know.

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Setting a static IP address doesn't appear to work

The default static IP address is If you set the network address type to STATIC, and you change the IP address to something else, but your GATEWAY and NETMASK don't match up properly, then no matter what you change the IP address to, the ENDEC will continue to show when you select "show IP Addr" from the network menu.

Your GATEWAY address must be on the same network as your ENDEC's UP address. The ENDEC will tell you if your GATEWAY and IP addresses are not on the same network when you set them from the front panel.

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What USB/Network printers are supported?

The Digital ENDEC supports many recent HP printers on the USB and Network interface. Only HP printers are supported. If you want to use a USB/Network printer, you will need to download and install our printer driver.

Note: we have not and cannot test every HP printer, and cannot guarantee your printer will work with the ENDEC. Portable and label printers do not work.

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I can't get ENDECSETD to work over a serial connection

Things to check:

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Does the ENDEC support the post 2007 Daylight Savings time changes?

The answer is yes for the Sage Digital ENDEC, there are no special steps required for the "new" DST rules - the ENDEC will switch at the right time if you have set it up to enable Daylight Savings Time adjustments.

If you have the original Sage ENDEC (1822) with ROM version 6.2, the same is true. However, if you have older model 1822 firmware, then the issue is a little more complex. Read the complete DST documentation for details.

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It doesn't look like the ENDEC took my settings changes?

If you saved the changes, and uploaded the file with your changes via the LAN, and you see the confirmation message that the ENDEC received the changes, then the ENDEC is running with your new changes. If you re-download your settings, make sure you save it in a folder you can find again. Some browsers place downloaded files in a default download location.

If you have uploaded your settings via the serial port, you must reboot the ENDEC to have them take effect, use the Reboot ENDEC option in the Direct Menu of ENDECSETD, or power cycle the ENDEC, or use the Reboot option in the menu.test menu on the front panel.

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Can the ENDEC use gmail to send messages?

Yes. This may be easier than using some corporate smtp systems. Refer to the gmail setup task sheet.

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How do I send alert text to HD Radios?

The ENDEC will interface with suitably equipped HD radio exporters, as described in our HD radio instructions.

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What NTP server address should I use to sync the ENDEC's time of day to an accurate clock?

Set the NTP server addresses on the network tab of ENDECSetD. We've supplied defaults, but those servers can be busy, full, or be taken down in the future. Use the address of your in-house time server if you have one.

You can also check the National Institute of Standards and Technology's list of time servers at http://tf.nist.gov/tf-cgi/servers.cgi.

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My ENDEC is sending a Required Weekly Test once an hour

Your Override Input (D In Use) setting on the config tab is set to use one of the digital inputs on the green bars on the back of the ENDEC to trigger an RWT. This is typically D in 1. If that input is grounded, the ENDEC will send an RWT. The ENDEC has a failsafe that will only permit one RWT to be send this way per hour. If your ENDEC is sending an RWT once per hour, you have D in 1 unintentionally shorted to ground. This can be caused by a something physical, such as the wire falling off at the other end and shorting or a faulty push button, or a bad setting in your automation system.

To diagnose, remove the wire to D in 1. If the hourly alerts stop, then the fault is in the wire or in what the wire is connected to. Note that you can also invert the active state on the config tab so that ground is the no-send state and open is the send state - make sure that setting is what you intend.

For testing, the failsafe can be reset at the ENDEC's front panel, use menu.timed RWT.RWT Reset. This restarts the failsafe timer.

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What should Strict Time be set to?

You are probably asking because of the false alert that was sent by a syndicated radio show on October 24, 2014. Strict time was a concept for the old 1822 ENDEC to avoid clock problems that users should fix in other ways. Here is our official stance on Strict Time for the 1822 and the 3644:

  1. The Sage ENDEC is designed to work with strict time on. You should have strict time turned on.
  2. Set your time correctly. Make sure you have access to an NTP server to keep your time set correctly (applies to blue 3644 ENDEC only). If you have old hardware (1822), think hard about upgrading.
  3. If you have an old 1822 with pre-2007 software (so that you have to play games to comply with the "new" 2007 daylight savings time rules), get the 6.2 software upgrade, or better yet, upgrade your hardware.

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